The show follows Bluey, ananthropomorphicsix-year-oldBlue Heelerpuppywho is characterised by her abundance of energy, imagination and curiosity about the world. The young dog lives with her father,Bandit; mother, Chilli; and younger sister, Bingo, who regularly joins Bluey on adventures as the pair embark on imaginative play together. Other characters featured each represent a differentdog breed. Overarching themes include the focus on family, growing up and Australian culture. The program was created and is produced in Queensland; its capital cityBrisbaneinspires the show's setting.
Blueyhas received consistently high viewership in Australia on both broadcast television andvideo on demandservices. It has influenced the development of merchandise and a stage show featuring its characters. The program has won twoLogie AwardsforMost Outstanding Children's Programas well as anInternational Emmy Kids Awardin 2019. It has been praised bytelevision criticsfor depicting a modern everyday family life, constructive parenting messages, and the role of Bandit as a positive father figure.